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Reasons and solutions for top whitening in injection molded products

2023-03-06 超级管理员 Read 51

When the plastic parts of injection molded products are demolded from the mold, if the top rod is used to push out, the top rod often leaves deep or shallow marks on the plastic parts. If these marks are too deep, the so-called "Ding Bai" phenomenon will occur, and in severe cases, top piercing plastic will occur When the plastic parts of injection molded products are demolded from the mold, if the top rod is used to push out, the top rod often leaves deep or shallow marks on the plastic parts. If these marks are too deep, the so-called "Ding Bai" phenomenon will occur, and in severe cases, top piercing plastic will occur When the plastic parts of injection molded products are demolded from the mold, if the top rod is used to push out, the top rod often leaves deep or shallow marks on the plastic parts. If these marks are too deep, the so-called "Ding Bai" phenomenon will occur, and in severe cases, top piercing plastic will occur When the plastic parts of injection molded products are demolded from the mold, if the top rod is used to push out, the top rod often leaves deep or shallow marks on the plastic parts. If these marks are too deep, the so-called "Ding Bai" phenomenon will occur, and in severe cases, top piercing plastic will occur When the plastic parts of injection molded products are demolded from the mold, if the top rod is used to push out, the top rod often leaves deep or shallow marks on the plastic parts. If these marks are too deep, the so-called "Ding Bai" phenomenon will occur, and in severe cases, top piercing plastic will occur When the plastic parts of injection molded products are demolded from the mold, if the top rod is used to push out, the top rod often leaves deep or shallow marks on the plastic parts. If these marks are too deep, the so-called "Ding Bai" phenomenon will occur, and in severe cases, top piercing plastic will occur...